Unique Beauty Salon

Dit bedrijf is in een andere tijdzone.

Veiligheid & schoonmaak

Veiligheidsrichtlijnen worden aangeboden door Unique Beauty Salon en zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 23-5-24.


Unique Beauty Salon is equipped with a heating and cooling HVAC system that ventilates the premises. Each room - facial room, waxing room, etc - is equipped with one of these units to ensure fresh air is circulated throughout the salon.

Extra desinfectie

All equipment and high touch areas within Unique Beauty Salon is cleaned and disinfected after each use to keep the salon sanitized. Hospital grade UV disinfection lamps are also utilized weekly to ensure a safe environment.


All of Unique's employees are mandated to be temperature checked on a daily basis. In the event of an abnormal temperature, employee is sent home immediately and can not return to work until a negative covid test is electronically sent and shown to the manager.


ma 3 jun
5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Lip

15 min.

Eyebrow Shaping

15 min.

Hair Removal - Neck

15 min.

Body Wax - Bikini Line

15 min.

Body Wax - Full Arms

15 min.

Eyebrow Tinting

15 min.

Body Wax - Half Arms

15 min.

Body Wax - Lower Legs

5 min.

Hair Removal - Lower Lip

5 min.

Hair Removal - Outside Nose

15 min.

Body Massage - 15 Minutes

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Cheeks

5 min.

Hair Removal - Nose (Inside)

5 min.

Hair Removal - Unibrow

5 min.

Body Wax - Belly Button

15 min.

Head Massage - 15 Minutes

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Lip

10 min.

Hair Removal - Forehead

10 min.

Hair Removal - Chin

10 min.

Hair Removal - Sides of Face

10 min.

Body Wax - Underarms

10 min.

Eyelash Extensions - Removal

10 min.

Hair Removal - Ears

5 min.

Hair Removal - Lower Lip

5 min.

Hair Removal - Outside Nose

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Cheeks

5 min.

Hair Removal - Nose (Inside)

5 min.

Hair Removal - Unibrow

10 min.

Body Wax - Glutes

5 min.

Body Wax - Belly Button

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Lip

5 min.

Hair Removal - Lower Lip

5 min.

Hair Removal - Outside Nose

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Cheeks

5 min.

Hair Removal - Nose (Inside)

5 min.

Hair Removal - Unibrow

5 min.

Body Wax - Belly Button

5 min.

Hair Removal - Upper Lip

10 min.

Hair Removal - Forehead

10 min.

Hair Removal - Chin

15 min.

Eyebrow Shaping

15 min.

Hair Removal - Neck

10 min.

Hair Removal - Sides of Face

30 min.

Hair Removal - Full Face

15 min.

Body Wax - Bikini Line

20 min.

Body Wax - Full Bikini

20 min.

Body Wax - Brazilian

10 min.

Body Wax - Underarms

15 min.

Body Wax - Full Arms

30 min.

Body Wax - Full Legs

Unique Beauty Salon beoordelingen

1.000+ beoordelingen
Nog niet beoordeeld.

Zo kun je je zich voorbereiden




Wheelchair accessible



