Abosoyoki, Inc.

Dit bedrijf is in een andere tijdzone.

Veiligheid & schoonmaak

Veiligheidsrichtlijnen worden aangeboden door Abosoyoki, Inc. en zijn voor het laatst bijgewerkt op 11-3-24.

Beleid voor het dragen van mondkapjes

All staff members and clients must wear masks at all times.

Maatregelen voor sociale afstand

We will be using every other bed to ensure that there is at least 6 feet between each client. We will also be staggering bookings so that no one is checking in or checking out at the same time.

Extra desinfectie

All high touch surfaces will be cleaned after each client. All tools will be sanitized between appointment. There is also a 15 minute block between every client to sanitize the technician's work station. We also have a professional sanitation company come sanitize our salon every two weeks.

Beperkte capaciteit

We are running at half capacity at the moment.


wo 8 mei
75 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling Only

105 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling + Dermaplaning

90 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Eyelashes MINK Eyelash Extensions (upto 80pcs per eyes)

60 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Lift

90 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Lift + Tint

30 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Tint

60 min.

Eyelashes Keratin Lash Lift

90 min.

Eyelashes Keratin Lash Lift + Tint

30 min.

Eyelashes Removal Eyelash Extensions

60 min.

Facial Personalized Facial Massage Treatment (50 mins)

30 min.

Facial Express Personalized Facial Massage (30min)

75 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Microcurrent

60 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + LED Light Therapy

60 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Peel

60 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + GUA SHA Lymph Drainage Massage

75 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + GUA SHA + LED Light Therapy

75 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + GUA SHA + Peel

75 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + LED + Peel

90 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Dermaplaning

90 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Dermaplaning + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Dermaplaning + GUA SHA

90 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Dermaplaning + Microcurrent

30 min.

Facial Dermaplaning Only

60 min.

Facial Dermaplaning + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Peel

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Gua Sha

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Microcurrent

105 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Microcurrent + Dermaplanig

75 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling Only

90 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling + LED Light Therapy

60 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Lift

90 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Lift + Tint

90 min.

Eyelashes Keratin Lash Lift + Tint

30 min.

Eyelashes Removal Eyelash Extensions

75 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + LED + Peel

90 min.

Facial Personalized Facial + Dermaplaning

60 min.

Facial Dermaplaning + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Peel

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + LED Light Therapy

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Gua Sha

90 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Microcurrent

105 min.

Facial Nano-Infusion Facial + Microcurrent + Dermaplanig

30 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Tint

30 min.

Facial Express Personalized Facial Massage (30min)

30 min.

Facial Dermaplaning Only

75 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling Only

90 min.

Micro/Nano-needling Microneedling + LED Light Therapy

60 min.

Eyelashes Eyelash Lift

Abosoyoki, Inc. beoordelingen

100+ beoordelingen
Nog niet beoordeeld.

Zo kun je je zich voorbereiden





Wheelchair accessible


Soortgelijke studio's

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